간호 부장 영어로
- 간호: 간호 [看護] nursing; care(of the sick);
- 부장: 부장 [部長] the head[chief / director] of a
- 부장: 부장 [部長] the head[chief / director] of a department[division]; a department manager[head / chief]. 경리[인사] ~ the chief of the accountants'[the personnel (affairs)] department. 영업 ~ the sales manager.▷
- 간호: 간호 [看護] nursing; care(of the sick); tending . 극진한 ~ careful nursing. 그녀의 극진한 ~ 덕분으로 그는 완쾌했다 Thanks to her tender care[careful nursing], he recovered completely. 그녀는 병원에서 극진한 ~를 받았다 She was well atte
- 간호 간호: Nursing
- 가부장: 가부장 [家父長] a head of a family; a patriarch; 『法』 a paterfamilias. ~ 중심의 patricentric. ~ 정치 patriarchal government / patriarchalism.▷ 가부장제 [-制] patriarchy; patriarchal system.
- 경리 부장: paymaster
- 백부장: 백부장 [百夫長] 『聖』 a centurion.
- 부장품: 부장품 [副葬品] grave goods; burial accessories; the favorite possessions of the dead person which are to be buried with him.
- 춘부장: 춘부장 [春府丈] your hono(u)red father.
- 간호 교육: Nursing education
- 간호 원장: matron
- 간호 학교: Nursing schools
- 간호복: Nurse uniform
- 간호사: 간호사 [看護師] (여자) a (hospital) nurse; a sick nurse; a sister; (남자) a male nurse[attendant]. 수(首)~ a chief[head / supervising] nurse. 수습 ~ a practical nurse / an unqualified nurse / a student nurse. 유자